Friday, December 17, 2010

Global Technology- Smart Phones

Smart Phones
Smart phones are now seen all over the place. At Verizon, the majority of the new phones require an internet function addition to their packages. Smart phones are taking the world by surprise. Who would’ve thought that you could do so many things in such a small device? Throughout their different versions, there are applications that are used for tracking, or GPS, internet, as well as fun games.
            Many smart phones have some sort of GPS system on them. This could be very beneficial for those who travel a lot. If you are unfamiliar with the area you are traveling to, you could have your phone pick up a signal from where you are, and have a service such as Map-quest lead you to your next destination. This could also be beneficial if you are lost on a road trip and have a time frame of when you need to be somewhere by. Just plug in the final address and you are provided with step by step instructions of how to get there.  Although GPS systems are said to be a distraction to driving, some smart phones are even programmed to have turn by turn directions read to you while you are driving, so that it is less of a distraction.
            The use of the internet is apparent in most everybody’s day to day life. Schools advance their usage of the internet, even providing students with the options of computer and internet classes. But is a computer the only way to surf the web? Well not anymore! Recently, many smart phones have the internet built right into them. They are able to produce any website you may want to surf, including YouTube, Facebook and Google. The internet is also growing in the whole industry today, so now with a smart phone, many people are able to email and communicate through the internet. They don’t need to be sitting down at a desktop computer to do their work, but rather can do it in the palm of your hand.
            Smart phones are not only a necessity for working people, but also the people who love to have a game to play at all times. Many smart phones are run by a series of so called “apps”, or applications that are downloaded for different reasons. Many of these downloaded apps are used for fun and games. Also, on smart phones you are able to use them as your personal mp3 player, so then you don’t need to carry around your iPod and your cell phone, but rather just your smart phone. These new gadgets can be used to watch videos and TV shows as well. You can download your favorite movie and enjoy it without having to haul around a portable DVD player.
            Smart phones are changing the way of society today. They are useful in so many different ways. Their GPS systems, internet usage, as well as all the fun games that they can be used for all provide one with examples of how they are useful. As the world changes and grows, so will the world of cell phones. But in the era that we are in today, smart phones, are the new it thing.

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