Friday, January 21, 2011

Catfish Day Three

I don't even know what to say. I knew after yesterday that this movie was going to go no where but downhill for Angela. She seems to have some pathological lying problem. She lies about everything over facebook, and then, when Nev comes to visit her, she lies even more by saying that she does have a daughter and that she has cancer. I think that it was really sad that one of her sons died toward the end. But this lady was actually very pathetic and she didnt think it would come and bite her but it did. I am so creeped out by this whole story it has made me more cautious with my use of facebook and who I friend. I think the only part that made some what of sense in this movie was the catfish story at the end. It made sense, and Vince felt like without people like Angela in the world, people who become selfish and lazy.

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